”Plasta Rei” evokes Heraclitus’ ”everything flows”, the philosophy of becoming, which is the basis of the circular economy, which we want to apply to plastic, to make it sustainable and friendly to the earth and the sea. The world will change, either because of us, or because of us.
It will depend only on us’.
La Project Vision
Plasta Rei founded in 2021 by Francesco Borgomeo aims to create innovative products capable of revolutionising the world of plastics through unconventional production processes. The project was born from the reconversion of plants destined for closure with the associated dismissal of all workers. The new project has guaranteed employment continuity and future prospects for the employees.

Plasta rei Foudation
The chemical know-how, the important investment sustained for the Laboratory and the Pilot Line make up the Plasta Rei Research Centre, the beacon of the Plasta Rei Project, always evolving, always becoming. The replicability of the processes is guaranteed by the optimisation of the Pilot Line, which is the glue between the Laboratory and the Industrial Plant. The Pilot Line will represent the entire project and will be the subject of a patent, unique and exclusive worldwide.