Borgomeo’s new miracle: plastic from kiwi and milk
The announcement by the entrepreneur who saved and converted former Marazzi and former Ideal Standard through the creation of new materials. Patent application filed for a new molecule: Plasmilk. Plastic obtained from expired milk and kiwi fruit.

Borgomeo bets on the plastics of the future
A new coup for the entrepreneur who created Saxa Gres and Grestone. In Cisterna di Latina he took over the historic Nalco tonight at 6pm. He will convert it into a factory capable of challenging the world’s plastic problem.

Environment, in Latina kiwi peels become organic plastic: ‘It will no longer pollute the sea and land’
It is the Plasmilk project presented to the unions by entrepreneur Borgomeo to reconvert the Nalco chemical company taken over by the Americans. From the province another step towards the green economy

Borgomeo announces: ‘Ready to acquire Nalco’
The president of the Saxa Gres Group announces to the workers of Nalco in Cisterna di Latina that negotiations are underway to acquire the plant. It will be converted into a bio-blastics factory. “A project capable of projecting the plant into the future”.